
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Today is the Day...

Today, 6/14/11, is the day I stepped on the scale and have seen the highest number ever--124.0lbs. I'm a puny 5'1" girl. That weight shows up on me a LOT easier than on most people. This is one reason (of many) to why I dislike being so short!

Because of my science background, I'm going to list my stats and calorie log as accurately and religiously as I can. The most important rule I'm implementing is that I cannot under any circumstance fudge my data to attain a goal nearly reached--it disrupts my integrity, which is probably the only thing I have going right now.

My stats as standing:
     BMI - 23.5 (58th percentile)
     % body fat - 19.8% (so shameful gross!)
I initially planned to post my body measurements, but I feel too embarrassed and gross to post them to the world. Perhaps another time, when I am slimmer.

I must note: my body weight before I left for bed was 122.4 lbs. I hope I awake to a lighter body. My muscles should be sore--I ran 2.5mi today (22.05" time) and biked about 6mi throughout the day. Tomorrow should be better.

This seems enough for a first post for now--I'm going to post this before going to bed so I can get plenty of sleep! Look for future format of multiple pages for better organization. I may edit this post to match the organization of my blog.

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