
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Friday's Report

Two words: monthly pain!

I hate it so much! but today, I awoke with the tell signs... ARG! Either way, it make me hopeful that perhaps the weight I have not lost is just water retention due to this.

So I did my morning run--22minutes for 2.75 miles. approximately 300 Calories. Then I showered and held a huge debate in my mind: should I skip breakfast, or eat something so it'll be easier for me to resist food later? I decided to have yogurt and a handful of blueberries (130 Cal) with massive gulps of water in between spoonfuls. It make me feel nauseous, that yogurt and water combo.

Then, I biked to my friend's house--a total of 10 miles, PLUS the 2 miles to the morning running meetings, equals approximately 500 Calories burned. This made my day. My total calories burned is 800 Calories.

Then, in depressing news, I had to eat dinner with my family. I grabbed the smallest steak, tiny portion of fries, and filled the rest with salad. I felt like I did pretty good there, and then my parents insisted desert. SERIOUSLY?!? It wasn't one of my favorite pastries, so I thought, "Why bother ingesting those empty calories?" Unfortunately, I ate it. And I fought the urge to purge it. Even recollecting it now makes my feel nauseous.

Today ended up being easy to find distractions from eating. Unfortunately, tomorrow won't be the case. It's Saturday, and there's a graduation party I must attend. I hope whatever the case, I'll make it through unscathed. I feel so fat and ugly that I don't want to go to the party. But, almost all my friends would be there. I pretty much have no choice.

My goal for tomorrow: fast. Try to make the entire daytime without eating anything. If dinner is by ourselves, I'll nap during that time. If I must eat something, I'll have only raw fruits/vegetables. No dressings, creams, yogurts, NOTHING. Tomorrow is my detox day from that stupid pastry I had today. Yuck! This is my time to prove I'm in control. "Once past your lips, forever on your hips."

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