
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Monday, Monday.

I felt proud that I did 4 miles today in 35 minutes. I also biked 2 miles. (it's become standard, so I don't know if it's even worth mentioning.) That means my Calorie expenditure is about 500 calories ^_^

I ate a fat free, 100 Cal  yogurt for a late lunch, and had a horrible meat craving. I satisfied it with a little ham and Swiss cheese sandwich, though next time I'm going to eat half of one and save the second half for later. My parents attempted to make Chinese food for dinner: Sweet n Sour chicken with rice and fried bean thread noodles. I had as little as I could without making it seem obvious. I feel so ashamed though because I had a mini binge when I came home from piano lessons: two cookies and a lot of Nutella...

My Calorie intake comes to 1260, but my exercise happens to even it out. Assuming I need 1200 to live, that's 60 over. BUT, I spend 500 calories, so really I'm at a 440 deficit. That's not enough to lose 1 lb a week D:

I got bored today, so I decided to do a thought experiment: how much weight we lose just by breathing? My thinking behind it is because oxygen, which we breathe in, is lighter than carbon dioxide, which we breathe out. I used a lot of assumptions, such 4% of the oxygen in the air is used and 4% of carbon dioxide is exhaled as dictated by the internet. My calculations come to a mediocre 2.38 lbs lost per WEEK...This is obviously not a whole lot, but it means that during fasting, we can expect at least 2 lbs during a week. That amount is calculated to normal, mostly shallow breathing. Theoretically, it'll go up with heavy breathing from exercise or deeper breathing throughout the day.

I must add a disclaimer: Not all of the waste from the cells in the body leave through breathing. A majority would probably leave the body from urination. I do NOT want to calculate expected weight lost due to urinating with the assumption that we drink in X amount of water...It's just gross!

I'm going to go to sleep now. I want to try an all day fast, meaning I'll need to sleep more than usual. perhaps I'll post some fasting techniques in a page if/when I have a chance. I might even change my tactics and try the skinny girl diet. although, I would want to see if fasting is possible with me living with my family, I'm thinking the SGD would work well for me--only eat dinners.

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