
Friday, July 1, 2011

Last day of June

I woke up this my stomach. It was shouting, "WAKE UP!!!! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!!!! I'M SO HUUUNGRY!!!! FEED ME NOW!!!! GET OUT OF BED AND FEED ME NOOOOW!!!

I wanted to shout back to it, "SHUT UP! Yes, I KNOW you're hungry. But I'm so freak'n EXHAUSTED that I'm not going to get out of bed and undo yesterday just to satisfy you!"

The argument went on for about an hour and a half. It was impossible to sleep. I wanted to stab my stomach and remove it. Luckily, I didn't have the energy to move and carry out that plan. lol

In the morning, I went for my usual run, but I still felt extremely hungry. I went 4 miles, and it was laborious from lack of energy. But I pushed not stop (or throw up). Luckily, at the end, my stomach stopped feeling hungry. although, the hunger returned about noon time. I was in control when I was alone though. I didn't eat anything, was wasn't going to.

But I had my weak moment. About 5pm-ish, my dad came home with my brother. They hung out in the kitchen and ate in front of me, and I caved in. I ate a banana and a fat-free yogurt. Then later, my mom returned home with Chinese fast food. I wanted to contain myself and eat little, but my body and stomach was craving meat, and I ate too much pineapple chicken. I should be hungry now, but I'm not.

I'm going to do the SGD starting tomorrow. I feel confident. First day, I get to have 400 calories. I should save that for dinner. I know! I'll make a salad when my mom is cooking, cover most of my plate with it, and eat most of my salad and barely touch the other foods. I hope this works!

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